When I was a child and you would make me mad I would often wish God had given me my ideal of the perfect parents. As I have gotten older, God has shown me the qualitiess that make up a "perfect" parent. First on the list is an unconditional, never ending love. Next comes patience, selflessness, support, laughter, joy, the ability to let go when necessary, sacrifices, and most of all a love for God. In other words. . .
I want to take this time to say that unspoken thanks for all you have done for or taught me during my childhood, youth and recent adulthood. When Chris and I were younger, I think we never stopped to think of all that you did without and gave up just so we could be happy. I am extremely grateful to you for all of this and most of all to God for seeing fit to send me to be Jerry and Wanda Stokes' little girl. I can only hope and pray that as I parent one day to my children I can do as good a job as you did. All my feelings can be summed up in the chorus of the song by Ray Boltz:
Thank you for giving to the Lord;
for I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave.
I Love you Mama and Daddy!
Merry Christmas 1992!