Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Differnce

What a difference it would have made
If they had only listened
To all You had to say
To all You had to teach them
They would have realized
That the time of sorrow would soon end
When on that third morning
The Son would indeed rise again
Tears would have still been shed
At the loss of such a teacher and friend
But on that Sunday morning
Joy would flow in them
What a difference it makes
The assurance we know
That You'll come again
Then to Heaven we'll go!

April 4, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thank You

There is a group in American society that I believe is seriously taken for granted. These Americans put their all on the line on a daily basis in the name of freedom. Do you know who they are? They are the many men and women serving in the United States Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guards, and Reserves. They are the ones we see in those pictures sent in emails who are sleeping on the ground, the ones who dream at night of being at home with their families, the ones who leave behind wives, husbands, parents, children, other family members and friends to ensure that the freedom we have in America will continue. They are the ones who volunteer for this service. There is a pride among our military that they are the United States Military. So who are we as civilians to take that pride away by taking them for granted? This Memorial Day weekend I challenge all of you regardless of what your political leanings may be or how you feel about the war in Iraq to remember that each of the soldiers is still someone's family member. A tragedy occurred in America after the Vietnam conflict ... the American citizens forgot to Thank our military for their bravery and their service. If you could ask our Vietnam Vets what they would have liked to receive it would have been thanks for what they went and did. Let's not let another generation of American servicemen and women feel that let down by the very people who should be holding them up! Let's tell them thank you at every opportunity....and on this weekend of remembering....let's not forget that it isn't just about not going to work and cooking out or going to the beach or even getting drunk...let's remember that it is a day of reflection of all the men and women who have given their lives in service to our country...the brave patriots leading a revolution for a new way of life, the brave men who fought the French, Indians, Spaniards and English in molding a new nation, the men that fought in a nation torn one side for freedom of others and the other side to protect a way of life, the men and women who fought for peace and freedom in not one but 2 world wars, the soldiers who went to Korea in the name of freedom, the forgotten heroes of Vietnam, the men and women who fought for freedom from a monster named Sadaam Hussein in Desert Storm, and the men and women who have been fighting and are still serving our nation in Iraq. Let us also pause and remember the heroes of September 11th who woke up just normal people but died heroes at the hands of terroism. Maybe we should rename this day the national day of US Heroes...because I don't know about you but they are all heroes to me the ones who have served in the past and still serve, the ones who paid the ultimate price for my freedom, the ones who were injured and bear scars in the name of freedom, and the ones going to bed tonight on sandy groud, the one standing guard on a hill this very moment, and ones in basic training learning to be an American Sailor, Marine, Soldier or Airman - -these are the true American Heroes!!! Thank them, love them, appreciate them...but most of all Pray for them!!!! So to those close to my heart who have served, to Mike, Grandaddy, Chris, Bobby, Janelle, Lamar, Bud, and the others I say......


My Gift to You

I wrote this December 2008

I was sitting here watching a rerun of 7th Heaven where Rev Camden passes and is led by his mother in law in choosing gifts for the family in Heaven. It got me thinking about how we spend so much time here on earth worrying about the material things...and how I have been so guilty this year of letting Satan take the joy away from me that is Christmas. Why should I let myself be depressed because I don't have a job or a husband or children to watch on Christmas morning or my own home? I have a security of eternal life - -I have faith in God - -I have the promise that no matter what comes my way God will take care of it and God will work it out to His glory and to my spiritual growth. So, I sit here pondering my life at this time and watching and realize the truth of the gifts on the show....and knowing that if I could I would love to give to all those special to me those same gifts. 1st the gift of time...we are so busy in today's world that so often we overlook the precious gift of wish is that in the new year each of you [& me] will take the time to live the life that God would have us live...take that extra moment to let your family know what they mean to you...take the time to stop and just enjoy your children before there is no time...take the time to serve God to let others know who He is and all that He wants to do for them...2nd I give each of you an eraser - so many times we hold on to things in our past that we have no way of going back and of my favorite Bible verses talks about forgetting the past and looking to the future...when we tell someone to forgive and forget something often we need to tell them to allow God to forgive you and then you forget it because he already has so there is no sense in allowing the mistakes of our past to cloud the joy and vibrantness of our future...3rd you shall receive Courage -- courage to take that next step to step out on faith and allow God to do a miracle in your many people wanted to know this year how I could with peace accept the severance package I was offered when I could have went into another department and continued working for an undetermined amount of time...I had the courage to face the unknown because I had the faith to do what God wanted me to do...I don't know what the new year holds for me but I know that God will give the courage to do what I need to do...Next I wish for you Purpose...each of us has a purpose in this often however we wander along aimlessly not knowing what that purpose is...may God reveal to you your purpose and what His purpose in this life is for YOU!! Next I wish each of you dignity- dignity to hold your head high no matter what life throws at you - my wish for you is that you will value you and who you are and always act in a manner that is becoming to the person you are and the One who created you...along with dignity comes beauty - not so much a physical beauty but a beauty that comes from within a beauty that is give to you by God a beauty that is not something that makes you the perfect magazine cover but a beauty that shines from a beautifully forgiven blood washed heart~~ a beauty of actions deeds and self worth and when you combine dignity and beauty you will receive the gift of loyalty~~loyalty to yourself [remember Shakespeare - to thine own self be true], loyalty to others that allows you to stand up with your loved ones and friends in the face of adversity that allows you to be the one who laughs with them, crys with them and supports them thru thick and thin,,,but most of all a loyalty to God to be able to stand and look anyone in the eye no matter the cost and proclaim your love and faith in Christ...I could go on and on about things like respect and companionship and encouragement etc...but the greatest gift I wish for you is love ~~~love of your family and for yourself love for others love for life...and most definetly the love offered on Calvary...FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON THAT IF YOU BELIEVE IN HIM YOU WILL NOT DIE BUT WILL LIVE FOREVER [JOHN 3:16]...Have you ever wondered why God sent his son like he did to a stinky dirty cattle stall instead of sending him to a palace or place worthy of the King of all kings? He wants us all to experience his love and know that no matter who we are where we are from or what we have done in the past Jesus came to offer us hope peace joy love forgiveness and salvation....

Merry Christmas May God Bless you!!!!


There's a call that rings out from a cross on Calvary
It's rang forth throughout the years.
It beckons you and me to follow Jesus
For only he can give peace and calm our fears

It's a call of true allegiance
Allegiance to the spotless lamb that was slain
Only when we stand and heed his call
Can we the cleansing power of its blood claim

Best of all the call is a call of love
Unconditional, all accepting love for you and me
A love that when we accept Him
Makes Jesus our Lord, our Savior, our King

The call can be as loud as a resounding trumpet
Or as soft as a gentle Spring breeze
All God desires for us to do
Is to follow the example of the crucified thief

Answer His call today
Open your heart and let Christ in
And the assurance of an eternal life
In Heaven with Jesus you will win.

by: Melissa Stokes March 13, 2005

The Christmas Menagerie

Throughout our journey on this earth we see
Various menageries every day
Groups of people or objects life has placed together
Because of who or what they are or the role that they may play
Thousands of years ago
The most special menagerie was made
A collection of people and events
To pay a debt no man could pay
It starts with a prophet who lived in days of old
He often spoke of a coming Messiah
The promise of a coming Prince of Peace
The world’s Savior proclaimed Isaiah
Years passed by until late one night
And angel visited a virgin girl
With a message of hope and not of fear
He told Mary that she would soon
Bear the Savior of the world
Another visit late one night
To Joseph her betrothed
Gabriel assured him of the will of God
That this child would one day bear our cross
A census decree leads us all
to the town of Bethlehem
Where Joseph and Mary arrived to find
The was no room in the inn
It was in a stable filled with hay
That Jesus Christ was born
A star shone brightly overhead
Leading shepherds and Magi to worship the baby Lord.
This menagerie that was created on that holy night
When all the angels in heaven sang
Is just one small example of God’s great menagerie
Made of souls who shall reside in Heaven on day.

Melissa Stokes 11/27/05

The List

As little children we have all been told
About Santa and his list
It contains the names of good and bad
And not one child is missed.

Every child has one goal each year
To be listed on Santa’s good side
So they will find toys and not any coal
After his visit on Christmas Eve night

Do we find ourselves concerned with
Being on God’s list of names
The Lamb’s Book of Life, the list of those
Whom his sacrificial gift have claimed

This list is not a temporal one
It has no earthly rewards
But if your name is written there
You are a joint heir with the Lord

How do I get my name on this list?
You may one day ask of me
My answer is a simple on
Just trust Him and believe

Believe He came to this walk this earth
The first Christmas in Bethlehem
Then years later the crucified him on a cross
And then saw Him rise again

Accept these facts, believe in Him
And ask Him in your heart to abide
And one day when you stand before God
Your name will be found in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Melissa Stokes 11/30/2005

The Ministry of Psalm 23

Written for Clergy Appreciation 10/8/6 Gibsonia Baptist Church

Pastor, you are our shepherd
Guiding our church each day
You’ve been anointed by the hand of God
He leads your steps, tells you what to say

You spend your days in ministry
On your knees in prayer you are found
Your Bible always open as you study
Some great truth of God you’ll expound

You’ve given your all to the sake of Christ
Forgotten you plans to follow His Call
You spread His Word & shine His Light
Whether preaching or coaching ball

We pause this morning to take the time
To honor all that you do
Thanking God for making you our pastor
We love and appreciate you.

The Perfect Man

I sat alone one night trying to come up with a list of qualities and traits I desire in the perfect man for me. As I listed each trait I realized that the perfect man was already in my life and was waiting for me to figure it out. For you see the perfect man for me you and everyone here has always been around we just tend to get so busy in our everyday lives and human worldly things that we overlook him. As a southern lady, you grow up with this image of the perfect Southern Gentlemen, perhaps brought on by watching (&/reading) Gone with the Wind one too many times. A Rhett Butler type… a little bit of a rogue but with a genuine honesty and love for life and those held closest his heart… with the capacity to love unconditionally and fiercely while always ready to take on anyone who would challenge the sincerity of his character. The type of man who treats you like a lady should be treated (… you know girls, the whole kit and caboodle of gentlemanly behavior… opens and shuts doors for you, holds out your chair, etc, etc, etc…) while he is fully appreciative of all you do for him. A guy who understands your need to talk to or see your mama at least every other day while at the same time can see why you may feel the same about his mama. A man who knows how to be the man in the relationship, who children and animals adore and become captivated by with a simple smile or wink. A man who appreciates the quirkiness that is being a girlie girl… who will be willing to go to the latest chic flick with you 'cause he knows you will go and sit for hours with him while he fishes, hunts, etc…The perfect lover who knows just what you need at the just the time you need it. Of course, for every girl there are those conditional qualities based upon of location, hobbies and interests…..for example while the GRITS girl is perfectly happy with a blue jean wearin', truck drivin', fishin', huntin', hound lovin' good 'ol country boy…..the girl from north of the Mason Dixon line or the quintessential Valley Girl would probably prefer someone different. Of course you have to throw in the things important to you like literature, music, the arts….. You know the amazing thing is that guy exists and no matter what you need , want or like he is that…I have been so overwhelmed by the realization that while I have been looking for the perfect man in human form, the most Perfect One has been here all along. Who else knows our thoughts, hopes, wishes, desires better than the one who gave them to us. Want someone good with children….who better than the one they flocked to, the one the little boy wanted to see so badly that he willingly gave his lunch to Him…Want someone who thinks you are beautiful no matter what….what about the one who created you in His image and when He had finished saw what He had made and found it pleasing in His sight. Do you desire a musician someone with whom you can make beautiful music? Why not try the one who gives the music,the one for whom the angels sing…..Or how about surrendering to the one who spoke the greatest love story ever told….You see my friend, I found that while trying to find a mate on earth, I have been negligent to see and stay true to my one True Love. The "Soul" Mate with whom I have everything in common. My knight in shining armor who gave His very life for me….And the one who is coming back for me to take me home to be His bride. And best of all He's the ultimate gentleman….for while He desires to be all of these things to each and everyone of us…you never have to fear Him for He won't press him self on you or force you to accept his gifts…for you see we are the ones to whom he says "behold, I stand at the door and knock"… will you open the door and allow him to be your best friend, your comforter, redeemer, savior, Lord, bridegroom and the Lover of Your soul. Please don't tarry for one day lest your chance for that perfect man's love be gone.

The Resolution

Written 12/31/2006

Once again we find ourselves
At that magical time of year
When we gather once again
Sing Auld Lang Syne
Lists are made by one and all
Things you resolve to do
But how many lists are forgotten
Before January is through
Before you begin to make your list
I have a suggestion for you
Resolve to love God more fully this year
To let His light shine thru you
The new year lies before you
Its opportunities untold
Pray Lord let me take Your Word
Make me courageous and bold
Take the message of God’s salvation
For everyone to hear
But most of all to serve you Lord
During this HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The Sign of Love

(January 8, 2006)

What is the sign you use

When love is what you want to say?

Do you draw a heart or display your hands

With your fingers folded a special way?

There are many ways in our lives

That we can notate love.

But the greatest sign I've seen

Was used by God above.

It was a very simple sign

Made of two boards and some nails

But proves to us the love of God

Is a love that will not fail.

The simple cross of Calvary

Upon which Jesus died

Is not only a sign of love

But also of eternal life

So if you see this sign my friend

I have one request of you

Accept this gift of love from God

And into Heaven He'll welcome you


(Melissa Stokes, 12/2006)

You’re standing at the threshold
A journey’s about to start
This trip will last a lifetime
For it’s guided by your heart

Standing in the threshold
With the world waiting there
You take the time to reflect upon
All that’s brought you here

The memories of days gone by
All the happy childhood scenes
Are forever etched upon your heart
And that’s the most important thing

Remember who your friends are
The ones who care about you
Don’t forget God’s saving grace
His will is what you should do

You’re standing at a threshold
The door between adulthood and youth
Take the step it’s a leap of faith
Know the Lord will see you through.

written for Christina Marie Payne's 18th birthday

The Very First Easter Basket

(by Melissa Stokes, 2004)

Today we see many different kinds of Easter baskets
Some are big, some are small
Pink ones, green ones, white ones, too
Some are plastic, some are straw.

They are all filled with special things,
Which are sure to bring some joy…
When found on Easter morning
By some little girl or boy.

But that first Easter basket
Was very different indeed
It didn’t hold candy, toys or eggs
But rather the King of Kings

It was made of earthen rock
Carved out of a mountainside
This place designed to house the dead
Gave all eternal life

So when you wake on Easter morn
And grab your eggs to hide
Think of that tomb that was burst open
And celebrate the risen Christ.

This is my 1st published poem that I entered into a contest on

The Warrior

He rises early in the morning
Most days before the sun
And prepares to gird himself
For the battle that's begun

This warrior must be ready
for the battles any time
As Satan plots to conquer
His body, soul and mind

He doesn't fight with weapons
fashioned by mortal man
His weapons are the tools that come
When we follow Jehovah's plans

The man girds on his armor
Thru prayer and Bible study
This Son of God this mighty man
for battle now is ready!

The Witness of the Shamrock

(March 2006)

To some it's just a small green plant

Displayed one month each year

But simple as this plant may be

It has a message all should hear

The Irish people long have said

Great luck this plant will bring.

As Christians it shouldn't signify luck

But rather the King of Kings

Upon close inspection you will find

A stalk with three small leaves

They stand for God the Father , Son, and Spirit

Which we call the Holy Trinity

A Father whose love knows no bounds

Who created everything on earth

A Son who came, died and rose again

To give all man new birth

The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost

And brings us comfort still

It gently guides us on life's path

As we follow God's will

The shamrock may be a small green plant

With out many know uses for it

But it will always stand to remind us all

Of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The winds

Blowing thru the leaves of the tree
the winds of change echo in me
Inevitable times that come and go
Lessons of life to me they show
Not all good yet not all bad
Some winds happy, some winds sad
Yet the winds carry His voice
To listen or not that is my choice.

To Be Loved


My Desire
To Be Loved
So Completely
One Love
For All Time
You Are
One Man
Dying One Death
For All

Too Busy

Written September 24, 2006

When it comes to your Christian service
Are you too busy?
Do you fill your life with everyday things
Until you have not time left for Him?
When asked to teach a class
Or fill a church position
Do you find it easy to say no
Your plate is already too full?
If you do then think on this
What if Jesus had simply been too busy?
What if He had wanted to forgo Calvary
To continue His work on earth?
What if He had told God He just didn’t have the time
To be crucified for our sins?
What with all the miracles and teaching the people
He was just too busy to die.
The next time a task comes before you
Pause for a moment and then
Remember He wasn’t to busy to die for you
Will you be too busy to live for Him?

What If?

Have you ever sat back and thought about
Where we all would be
If there had been no Bethlehem
No birthday of the King?

What if when Joseph got to the inn
And walked up to the desk
There had been an empty room
And the innkeeper welcomed them as his guests.

Would shepherd have come to worship Him
If He hadn’t been born in a barn
What about the wise men three
Would they still have traveled far?

How about His ministry
As He walked upon this earth?
Would He still have gathered all the crowds
If He’d had an ordinary birth?

What if He had called for angels to come
And take Him down off the cross
Would this mean we would have no hope
And our souls forever would be lost?

But we don’t have to sit around
Wondering about what if??
We can read His word, trust His love
And receive His precious gift

A gift that will not fade away
Nor will it ever rust
A treasured gift of eternal life
Is yours when on Him you trust.
Melissa Stokes 12/11/05

When our wondering days are over

When we settle in our mansion
Over on the other shore
When we spend all eternity
Walking down the streets of gold
We will live with Christ forever
When our wondering days are o’er

Verse 1
Life upon this earth is busy
People going to & fro
Everyone is in a hurry
As through the day they go
One day it will be ended
And we’ll hurry about no more
When our traveling days are over
And our wondering days are o’er

Repeat Chorus

Verse 2
How blissful life will be
When we reach our Heavenly Home
All the hurry and bustle of life on this earth
With all its worries will be gone
How awesome to live
In peace for all eternity
When our wondering days are over
And King Jesus we will see

Repeat Chorus

When our wondering days are over and our Jesus we will see

You Are There

I close my eyes throughout the day

You are always there

I look into the stars at night

You are there

In all the dreams I dream

You are there

Everywhere I look and everything I see

You are there

When I see my future shining bright

You are there

You are the sun in my sky

You are the one to whom my thoughts turn at night

You are the very breath I breathe

How you have entered my life is beyond belief

I have no clue what I did to deserve you

I have no idea what to do to keep you

It scares me to think of what life would have been

without you

you are the greatest gift I have ever gotten

You are the best thing that has happened to me in a long, long time

The journey is just begining

And you are there

I can only pray that at the end of the road

You will be there.

Your Eyes

A person’s eyes are said to be
The windows to their soul
The emotions we see mirrored there
Whether they be bright or dark and cold
Your eyes are the very first thing
That attracted me to you
And those same eyes follow me
In my head and my heart too
I think of you day and night
Wondering where you are
And think of the distance between our hearts
So close and yet so far
Will you be the one God made for me
My gift from Heaven above
And will you eyes one day soon
Look at me with love
I want to know you so much more
To be your everything
To feel the warmth and happiness
One look from you can bring
I’ve waited a lifetime to meet you
And yet I wait again
Until the day you look at me
As your destiny and not just your friend

Written april 2007

Sticks & Stones

Written: April 17, 2005

A little boy stands on a school playground
He is surrounded by a group of bigger boys all laughing and being mean
He gathers up all the courage he can and in a loud voice cries
“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but your words will never hurt me.”

Inspite of all his bravery
How boldly he stood that day
The other boys never knew the damage they did
Just by the simple words they had to say

For you see physical blows will mend and heal
They may leave a scar but do not last longer than a season
Whereas the scars from a persons words are branded on the heart
They are always there breaking down the one to whom they were said

So when you start to say something that really isn’t nice
Take a breath, pause a minute and tame your unruly tongue
May our words be as sweet as those
Which were spoken in God’s word
So those who hear will come to know Him as their Savior and their Lord.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Judy & Aubrey Anniversary Poem

This poem was my 1st commissioned poem...a former hairdresser had me write it for her to present to her husband as an anniversary gift.

Who can say when our love began
Was it the first time we met
Was it when you first kissed my lips
Or that very first time you held my hand

I’ve often thought back to when I met you
A moment that forever changed my life
We didn’t know where this road would lead
But it was something we had to do

I’m so blessed to be your wife
So blessed with you as my man
I pray that we will have many more years
Together for all of our life

Aubrey, you have been my husband, my lover, my friend
For no less than 30 and no more than eternity
My love for you that began that fateful day
Is a love that will never end

Who can say when our love began
Was it over a game of pool
I’m just glad it walked in on cue
And together forever is my plan.

Love forever,

Poem of Encouragement

Live your life as you might if you knew this was the last day
Open your heart, home and hands freely and often to those in need of a friend
Use your time making memories with those you love
Reflect on the good things, the good times and forget the bad
Decide each day is a blank page to be lived to its fullest
Embrace life with a tight grip
Sing a song - sing your song - don't worry about tune or rhythm - sing loud and with joy.

written for Lourdes Robinson during her battle with Breast Cancer in 2005


Written 12/2006


Out of My Mind

Lord, I want to be out of my mind
I want to be crazy for You
I want to be sold out to Jesus
All my life thru

I want to be called a fanatic
I want to live a strange life
I want others to want to have
What I have inside

For if only one person
Who sees me each day
Should ask what I have and
Could I show them the way

The way to true peace
To grace from above
To joy and contentment
To living in love

For to be called a fanatic
To be said to be odd
Would make it all worth it
Cause I am crazy for God

Melissa Stokes
October 2, 2007

This poem is dedicated to Dr Tom Kinchen as his sermon inspired it!!

In Appreciation of the Pastor

He marries, He buries
He’s always on call
Summer & Winter
Springtime & Fall

His wife should be pleasant
His kids well-behaved
His own cheering section
For the souls he will save

They live life on parade
As in a fishbowl
Their clothes neatly pressed
Though their shoes have worn soles

If this is how you feel
Then you mind needs to change
You need to go to your pastor
Here’s what you should say

We understand that you are
Only one man
And that you have a family
Sometimes you have plans

We don’t always show it
We don’t tell it enough, too
But we’re glad you’re our Pastor
We appreciate you.

Melissa Stokes
October 2006

I Can Give Thanks

When the storms of life press in on me

And the path ahead seems bleak

When I think I have lost my way

My strength is gone and I am weak

I can look back to that day long ago

A day filled with sadness and hate

When my Jesus was killed and rose again for me

And with joy I then can give thanks.

When I look at those around this world

And see the millions of people in need

I realized just how blessed I am

And all that God does for me

So the next time my friend

You feel you just can't go on

That you can't make it another mile

Remember to stop and your blessings count

And you too can give thanks to God.

Melissa Stokes November 2005

Jesus Wept, Jesus Weeps

(Melissa Stokes, 6/27/04)

While praying in the garden

That dark and lonely night

Jesus called upon His Father

As He wept for you and I

He asked about the Father's will

If the cup could pass from Him.

But the course was set, the path was laid

He must die for our sins

So many years have come and gone

Since He conquered death and the grave

Yet as he observes the way things have become

Jesus weeps for America today.

We must pray that our nation

Will turn back to the light

Where God is God, truth is truth

And wrong is never right

America, when will we see

The need to honor God as before

Come back to Christ, accept His grace

So Jesus will weep no more

Mother's Day Poem for Mom

Sometimes we take for granted
All our blessings from above
And overlook in our daily life
The things that grow from love

Years ago in a house
Was born a baby girl
She never got to be very big
But her hair was nothin’ but curls

She grew up in a busy house
With a sister and two brothers
The girl grew up got married one day
And then became my mother

I never fully appreciated
When I was growing up
All the things she did for me
And the fullness of her love

She went without so I could
Have material things
But never turned her back on me
When my actions caused her pain

She raised me up to love the Lord
And share in her faith
Yet daily prayed for my life
And for God to keep me safe

So as we come to this time of year
When we say “Thank You” to our mothers
I want to say I love you, Mom
You’re the best and I could never want another.

Happy Mother’s Day 2000
Melissa Beth Stokes

Hymn of Worship

Written May 21, 2006

W ~ worthy of all honor and praise

O ~ our anthem of love we raise

R ~ reverently on bended knee

S ~ seeking time alone with Thee

H ~ humbly only You we serve

I ~ in action, deed, thought and word

P ~ praise God in Heaven above and Jesus
Christ, your only Son.

How a Father Becomes a Dad

Written: June 12, 2005
Fathers, you would be the best Dad
If you follow this simple plan
Model your life after the Father of all
Become known as a godly man
Acknowledge the authority of God
Placing Him as the head of your home
He’ll help the other things fall into place
And your worries will all be gone
Take your family to church each week
Twice on Sunday and Wednesday nights
Teaching your children to serve the Lord
So He will be their guide
Honor the vows you made the day
Their mother became your wife
This will show your sons what kind of man to be
When they find their bride.
Envelope your children in your arms
Showering them daily with love
This will help them to understand the verse in John
That simple starts “For God so loved…”
Reflect upon the happy times
Forgetting all the bad
And one day with pride he’ll say
He wasn’t just a father - -
He was my Dad!

God Sent You

I had prayed so many times
Hoped it would come true
That I would find my one true love
The darling God sent you

He had a time and place in mind
A plan to carry thru
He knew exactly what I'd need
Because then He sent me you

I don't know all the many ways
One journey together will go
I only know as we travel along
God's will for us He'll show

So as we stand at this place
And pledge to love and say I do
There's no greater joy today
Thank God for sendin you!

mbs 1-18-09


The crowd has gathered
The tension hangs in the air
They’ve come for one reason
The decision to be made is there

Two lives hang in the balance
The men as different as can be
The one a man who is angry and guilty
The other claims He is a King

At once the decision is called for
Murmurings turn into angry cries
Free Barabas - release his chains
It’s Jesus we want to die

Off in the shadows
A figure stands by
With a self-righteous cackle
“I’ve won” Satan cries

If Satan could only know
What would soon come to be
That no grave on earth
Could keep hold of this King

He wouldn’t be celebrating
Or claiming his crown
For Jesus will live again
Trumpets triumphantly sound.


Come the shepherds say to all
As they hurry down the street.
Come with us to Bethlehem
A newborn King to meet.

Open up your ears and heart
And listen to their story
About the angels who sang to us
Giving God the glory.

Make your way to Bethlehem
Thru Galilee and continuing up Calvary’s hill
Although the soldiers crucified the Lord
His power they could not kill.

Everyone of us can come
To see Him as we are
He will come to live with us
If we let Him in our hearts.

Come with us this Christmas day
And visit the stable in Bethlehem
Let’s bow down before the Lord
Ever in service to Him.

Melissa Stokes 12/11/2005



I found myself in a situation
Where I didn’t know what to do
I prayed to God for answers
And that He would see me thru

I felt as if I were at a crossroads in my life
Not knowing which way I should go
Which way was wrong, which way right
I needed His will to know

I wanted God to answer me right away
To bring my frustration to an end
But He had a schedule already laid out
A time set His peace to send

When God sent the answer
“This isn’t My will but yours”
I knew the path I had to take
And shut with a slam the other door

At first closure always hurts
As you have to say good-bye
But at the end of it you always see
Life went on and you survived


Dedicated to all those who gave their lives in service to their country thru the United States Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy and Marines

Do you remember the images
The story you were told
Of brave men and women
Of the young and the old
The ones who stood and
Said for freedom I will go
To places near and far away
In summer's heat and winter's snow
On the beaches of Europe
They stood their ground
To free the oppressed
and unbind those who were bound
They fought on in Korea,
Vietnam, Kuwait and Iraq
Tears were shed for those we lost
Then more when others came back
To all our valiant warriors
Who have stood for the Red, White and Blue
Thank for the gift you gave
Its price you paid with you.



I am awakening to the grace of the Lord.
I am falling in love with Him more and more.
I have taken a stand to serve only Him.
I will honor my Lord with the life that I live.
I want to be known only as His child.
I want my service to Him to be seen as worthwhile.
It’s the lease I can do to give back to Thee.
My most humble thanks for dying for me.
Lord Jesus, come and fill me today.
Give the places to go, things to do, words to say.
Show me how to grown in you love.
Lead me on to Heaven above

America - Do You Remember

Written: May 29, 2005

America! Do you remember…
All the brave men and women who weathered peril and storms on the seas to come and settle in a new land. Those courageous patriots who stood up to a tyranny from across the ocean in the name of freedom.
America! Do you remember…
The spirit of the pioneers traveling across a land, leaving the comforts of home for the promise of adventure and new life and what about the families torn apart when part of our nation wanted progress and freedom for all while the other part just wanted to protect a way of life.
America! Do you remember…
All the men and women who have given their lives on foreign soil to protect freedom
America! Do you remember…
To pray daily for those now serving in our military
Christians in America! Do we remember…
To thank God for his grace and for Jesus‘ sacrifice on Calvary and do we remember to share that grace with others.
America! We need to remember…
The past lest we be destined to repeat it and to praise God for all those who gave and still give their all so we can be free.

Prayer for the Day

Lord help me get thru this day
As only you can
Give me the strength to go on
To carry out Your will and Your plans
Give me a kind word to say
To those who irritate me
Help me lift them in prayer
Their problems to see
I know I will stumble
At least once today
Not do what I should do
Or say what I should say
With you holding my hand
Showing me where I should go
I will get thru this day
I will let your love flow.

A Visit to the Stable

Let’s take a trip in our minds
Back in the days of yore
To visit the stable in Bethlehem
Where Jesus Christ was born
It’s just an ordinary barn
Where cows and chickens lived
But became a nursery late that night
As there was no room in the inn
With walls of wood and a floor of dirt
Animals tethered all around
A cattle trough filled with hay
Was where the baby was found
It was just a simple building
For housing animals large and small
But on that night so long ago
It housed the Savior of us all
I’m grateful that the inn was full
And Mary slept in the stable that night
It set in motion a chain of events
That led to redemption for you and I
Let’s take a trip to visit
The stable in Bethlehem
And take the time to say “Thank You, God,
For sending a Savior to men.”


The Pledge

The Pledge
Written: June 12, 2005

We all have stood as children
With or hand upon our heart
And pledged loyalty to our flag
And that we would do our part

That we will work and strive to keep
Life in America free
A land of blessings & choices to make
This United States the best country it can be

I made another pledge one day
But not to the Old Red, White and Blue
My pledge was made to an old rugged cross
Where Jesus died for me and for you

I pledge my allegiance day by day
To the Lamb on Calvary slain
And serve this Lamb as I go about
Worshipping and honoring His name

Is this a pledge that you have made?
Do you serve the Lord this day?
If not, please while you still have time
Stand with me, Raise your hand high
And boldly proudly say…..

I wrote this to read as an introduction when singing the song I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb by Ray Boltz...

[at this point the introductory music begans]

“ I pledge allegiance to the lamb
With all my strength
With all I am
I will seek to honor his commands
I pledge allegience to the Lamb”
(taken from I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb by Ray Boltz)